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Sleep Issues

We have an incredible 60,000 – 90,000 thoughts a day. Some of those will be positive and others will be negative. We can easily tell the difference because positive thoughts make us feel good and negative thoughts make us feel bad. (Our feelings are our 24/7 inbuilt feedback system)!

All our negative thoughts go into what I call our ‘stress bucket’. In the normal course of things, we have a marvellous way of emptying our stress bucket each night in the part of our sleep known as REM (Rapid Eye Movement), which makes up about 20% of our sleep pattern.

During this time our Rats’ Den primitive mind and our Palace intellectual mind come together and the negatives and problems and emotional garbage in the Rats’ Den are transferred to the Palace where they can be dealt with, releasing them from our bucket. We can then awake feeling refreshed, with a nice empty bucket ready to start the new day.

Have you ever had a problem and then felt better about it the next morning? That’s what happened – you transferred it from your Rats’ Den mind to your Palace mind in your REM sleep!

It’s ok to have a bit of stress in your bucket; some ‘alertness’ can even be healthy. Then you are able to go to sleep easily and sleep pleasantly through till morning, any negatives in your bucket being transferred in REM time.

However, if you’ve had lots of negative, anxious, angry, fearful (etc.) thoughts, your stress bucket can be rather full. You might find it harder to go to sleep, or wake up in the early hours and have a hard time getting back to sleep. Or you might find you go into a deep ‘comatose’ sleep from which it is difficult to wake and you struggle to get up. Sometimes you might experience a combination of both.

If we have so many negative thoughts that our bucket overflows, we may experience a panic attack or irritable bowel syndrome or various other unpleasant issues. It’s a very unpleasant place to be living in, our Rats’ Den mind!

If you have any sleep issues at all, or experience anxiety, panic attacks or IBS, click here to download the audio to help (It won’t play direct, you’ll need to download it when prompted). This audio is not designed to send you to sleep, though in time it will. It’s purpose is to get you into the best sleep level to empty your stress bucket effectively. Play this sleep audio every night when you go to bed and go to sleep with it. (You don’t need to hear it all – your subconscious will take it on board even if you are asleep). You might find it works quickly and you’re sleeping well again soon, or you might find, if your bucket is really full, that it takes a little longer to get to that stage, but it will work if you keep it up – especially if you work with the book “The Fundamental Shift – the Number One Guide for Young People to Feel Good, Be Happy and Enjoy Life” available from Amazon. (Following The Recipe in Part One will help stop you putting so many negatives into your bucket in the first place!) If you are still awake at the end (it’s about half an hour long) or if you wake up in the night, play it again. You are re-training your mind and emptying your bucket! Keep using it for several months after you feel better and then periodically in times of stress, challenge or when you have lots going on. I still do!